
The Landscape Show Committee Chair Joe Eslick, at left, and FNGLA 2023-24 President Phil Buck, at right, present exhibiting company Sod Solutions a 2023 Booth Award. FNGLA PHOTO

President's Letter: Teamwork on Full Display

September 14, 2023

August was certainly a month where teamwork was on display. The Landscape Show was once again a success, surpassing last year's attendance. Committee Chair Joe Eslick, his committee and FNGLA staff are to be congratulated. Thank you for all your planning throughout the year and all your hard work the days of the show! I am always amazed when I walk through the doors for the first time each year and see the booths beautifully adorned with plants and trees of all sizes - and realize the work it took to create it all.

Prior to the show, the FNGLA Board of Directors was presented with an unexpected distinction. Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings recognized FNGLA and The Landscape Show as a Legacy Client of the Orange County Convention Center. Mayor Demings proclaimed the week of the show 'Florida Nursery and Landscape Week' in Orange County. TLS has been held at the Convention Center since the facility opened in 1983 - 40 years!

The week following The Landscape Show was a complete reversal as Tropical Storm Idalia tracked along the west coast of Florida, eventually striking land as a Category 3 Hurricane in Keaton Beach. The storm devasted nearby communities across Florida's Big Bend area as it then headed northeast to Georgia. Early estimates reported the damage at $12 to $20 million. But, miraculously, FNGLA members in the area reported minimal damage.

As part of the previous week's Board of Directors meeting, the FNGLA Hurricane/Disaster Manual was given to each Chapter Representative and key points of being prepared and establishing a plan for a teamwork approach to the aftermath were discussed. As Idalia moved closer to Florida, members set up a chat through text messaging and kept each other updated on the storm's movement. In the aftermath, there was more communication and plans for assistance where people were able to help. I was proud to see how members pulled together and worked as a team.

Thank you to all of those who helped make this happen. I will again encourage all Chapter leaders and members to familiarize themselves with the FNGLA Hurricane/Disaster Manual and create a working plan to help with response in the case of any future disasters. These displays of teamwork this month really shows how special an organization FNGLA is!


Phil Buck sig

Phil Buck
FNGLA 2023-24 President

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